Can JWSDP 1.6 code run under Weblogic 8.1
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Jim Pinkham
2006-07-12 22:49:05 UTC
I just spent a few weeks getting my stand-alone test client using Sun's
JAXB and SAAJ apis to work with slightly ill-formed XSB schemas to send
SOAP messages to a server. I got past all kinds of tricky issues with
xjc, external bindings and such, and got everything working great.

This would all have been so much easier if I had a WSDL file I could
just do a clientgen on, but no, instead I have to do SOAPMessageBody
with XML payloads defined by a set of XSD schema files.

Now I go to drop it into it's home as part of an existing web service
hosted on BEA server, and it's a train wreck! (wish I could just use
Tomcat, but that's not an option).

If only someone had told be that JWSDP doesn't work with BEA, I'd have
saved so much time!

I confirmed this by adding weblogic.jar, webservices.jar, and
xbeans.jar to my standalone project, and it crashes the same way
(nullPointerException in marshaller.marshal).

I just spent the last week trying to kludge the classpath, set all
kinds of xml provider properties, and jre/lib/extdirs jars... I'm ready
to admit now there's just no way to make BEA use SAAJ's implementations
for everything. I got pretty close, then found
weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.receive does a cast to it's
own internal ElementImpl class... so that whole strategy is a dead end.

So, where did I go wrong? I hate to throw away all my hard work in
JWSDP and learn their XBEANS instead (even if it would work - I don't
know - these are screwy OTA schemas from the travel industry that have
to be tweaked)... any ideas to make this work or port it to something
else that works with BEA?

Jim Pinkham
2006-07-20 14:59:52 UTC
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